📍Fort Myers

School Policies

Our School Policies page provides comprehensive guidelines for cancellations, refunds, enrollment agreements, and privacy protection, ensuring clarity and fairness for all students at Antares.

Cancellation and Refund Policy


  1. Before classes begin

1.1 The application fee is non-refundable.


  1. After classes begin

2.1 A minimum two-week notice is required. Students who leave General Language programs early will be proportionally refunded (minus the tuition rate of the duration actually studied, minus a penalty of 25% of the remainder).

2.2 If a student returns home because of sickness, death in the immediate family, or completes the course early (enters the university or completes the last level of proficiency), the 25% penalty will not apply. Students must provide proper documentation to support the early departure.

2.3 Students may leave school and return later with no penalty with Center Director’s prior approval.

2.4 For Intercultural, Language Plus and other specialty/package programs only: After the first day of the program has been completed, there will be no refunds and any unpaid balance is due immediately.

2.5 Refunds will be sent to the student/guardian normally within thirty (30) days of departure from the school. Mail and bank fees will be deducted if applicable. No refunds will be given before students leave the Antares campus.


  1. Transfer between Antares campuses

3.1 There will be no penalty for students who transfer to another Antares campus at the end of a session. No new application fees are required except host institution housing fees.


Tuition Policy


  1. Tuition payments

1.1 In order to be enrolled in our institution, you must pay tuition. This is how we pay for the faculty, staff, and facilities for our students.


  1. Tuition period

2.1 Tuition is billed each month automatically before the session begins.

2.2 Because our sessions are 4 weeks, they may not always start at the beginning of a month.

2.2.1 There are still 12 sessions per year, and your account will still be credited for the correct session.


  1. Late payments/Non Payment

3.1 If the tuition and fees are not paid in full on or before the due date on the invoice, we will charge a $25 late fee.

3.2 Any amount that is more than 30 days late will be charged a flat 10% fee per week until the account is settled.

3.3 Late tuition may affect the ability of a student to be enrolled in classes, receive grades/reports, take vacation, transfer an “active” SEVIS record, and other consequences.


  1. Consequences of not paying tuition and fees 

4.1 Beyond the fees and restrictions that may be imposed due to late or unpaid tuition, students may be removed from classes, or even expelled from the program.

4.2 For F-1 visa holders, this can affect their status in the USA, or at minimum make it so that we cannot transfer their record in active status until they speak with the school administrators to resolve their financial account.


  1. Warnings and notice

5.1 Students will be notified upon being dropped from classes and/or SEVIS termination.

5.2 Students will receive a verbal warning or message (e-mail, text, WhatsApp, etc) if there is a problem with their financial standing. This warning will come from the financial department first. Subsequent warnings may come from the school Manager or Center Director.

5.3 If the account is not brought current, a written warning/letter may be sent by electronic mail.

5.4 If the student does not bring the account current or make payment arrangements, then the penalties can include being dropped from courses, placed on financial probation, up to being expelled from the school.

Attendance Policy


  1. General policy and recording

1.1 Students are expected to attend 100% of the classes they are enrolled in!

1.2 If a student is absent for more than 2 consecutive classes. The instructor should contact the student to verify the reason.

1.2.1 If there is no response from the student, the instructor may report this to the Academic Coordinator or Center Director to follow up.

1.3 All attendance should be recorded weekly.

1.4 Excused absences will not count for the purposes of this policy.

1.5 A total of 3 recorded tardies will count as one absence for the purposes of this policy. 


  1. Tardiness and non participation

2.1 Students are expected to be in class on time, attend the whole class, and participate in class activities!

2.2 If a student is more than 10 minutes late, they may be marked as tardy.

2.3 If a student is more than 15 minutes late, it is at the instructor’s discretion whether the student will be allowed to enter that class.

2.4 Students who leave class more than 15 minutes before the break/end of class may be marked as tardy.

2.5 Students who do not participate in activities when called on or sleep through class may be marked as tardy.

2.6 For video conference classrooms, students who do not have their camera on and/or do not respond when called on may be marked as tardy. Students should message the instructor if they have to leave their computer for any reason.


  1. Initial attendance

3.1 Students are responsible to attend orientation and show up to class!

3.2 If a student has difficulty attending classes due to transportation, technical difficulties, or for any other reason, it is their responsibility to inform  the school and their instructor(s) of the issues, and resolve those issues. The school will assist the student as applicable and as ability allows, but the responsibility still lies with the student.

3.3 If a student does not attend orientation and/or classes in the first week of their initial session, the student will be issued a warning. If the student does not correct the behavior immediately they will be considered a no show and will be dropped from their classes!

3.4 If a student is dropped from classes and then wishes to re-enroll, the school will charge an administrative fee of $25!

3.5 After re-enrollment, if the student fails to attend, they may be expelled.


  1. Continued attendance

4.1 Students are expected to continue to attend their program of study!

4.2 Any student who does not attend classes in the first week of any session may be considered a no show and dropped from their classes!

4.3 If a student is dropped from classes and then wishes to re-enroll the school will charge an administrative fee of $25!

4.4 After re-enrollment, if the student fails to attend, they may be expelled.

4.5 F-1 students who do not transfer within 30 days will have their F-1 status terminated due to “unauthorized withdrawal”, which can affect their current status in the USA, and in the future.

4.6 Any student who does not maintain at least 60% attendance will be placed on academic probation.


  1. Effect of attendance on grades/status

5.1 Students are expected to attend class and participate regularly!

5.2 Classroom and lab work is an integral part of education, and often counts for a large part of the student’s grade.

5.3 Students who do not maintain their attendance, or who fail/repeat the same level twice, will be placed on academic probation.


  1. Warnings and notice

6.1 Students will always be notified of academic probation and/or termination/expulsion!

6.2 Students will receive an informal warning or message (text, WhatsApp, etc) if there is a problem with their attendance/participation. This warning will come from the instructor first. 

6.3 Subsequent warnings may come from the Academic Coordinator or Center Director.

6.4 If the behavior does not improve, formal warnings/letters may be sent in the mail and/or by electronic mail.

6.5 If the behavior still does not improve, then the student will be placed on academic probation for the next term.

6.6 If the behavior is not corrected while on academic probation then the student will be expelled from the school.

6.7 If a student is expelled due to attendance issues, this may impact acceptance to any program of study at the school in the future.

6.8 For sponsored students or students who hold an F-1 visa/status, withdrawal from their program of study due to attendance will lead to cancellation/termination of their sponsorship and/or their F-1 status.

Vacation Policy


  1. Timeframe for requesting vacation

1.1 Students must request vacation at least seven days before the desired vacation/session begins.


  1. Vacation length

2.1 Students may receive up to three months of vacation per year (one term).

2.2 Vacations should be taken as an entire term to prevent interruptions in their program that will lead to failing their current level!


  1. Eligibility

3.1.1 SEVP regulations state “F-1 students must complete at least one full academic year [26 weeks] at an SEVP-certified school to be eligible for annual vacation. Additionally, students must intend to register for classes in the academic term following their annual vacation.” This will also apply to non F-1 students.

3.1.2 While students may be eligible for their first annual vacation after 26 weeks, we recommend that students complete two full terms so that they can begin their vacation in session one of a term and take a full term of vacation.

3.2 As of Summer term, 2023, students will no longer be allowed to take a 3 month vacation starting in the third session of a term, as this means they will automatically fail both terms and will immediately be on “Academic Probation”.

3.3 Students must be in good financial standing with the school to be eligible for a vacation.


  1. Notification

4.1 Students will be notified by email once their vacation is approved.

4.2 If the student does not have an email confirming approval, and is not green on the roster, they are not officially on vacation!


  1. Variations

5.1 If the student receives an exception, and is not taking a full term for their annual vacation they should consult with their instructor or the Academic Coordinator to understand the impact on their program of study.

5.2 For a one term vacation (3 months) a student should study for 2 full terms at our institution.

5.3 If a student starts their program at the beginning of a term, they only need to study for two full terms before taking an annual vacation.

5.4 IF they don’t start at the beginning of a term, they should study two full terms before taking a vacation.

5.5 For subsequent vacations, it is still recommended that students always take a full term of vacation to avoid an interruption in their program. However, students may apply for an exception to receive 1 month of vacation for every 3 months of enrollment, as long as they are aware that they will probably fail that level.

Academic Standing Policy 

  1. Good Academic Standing

1.1 Students should expect to study, attend all of their classes, and participate regularly in class by doing all assigned work. 

1.2 Students are understood to be in good academic standing upon enrollment in the school. 

1.3 Students who are not on academic probation and who have not been expelled from the school are understood to be in good academic standing. 

1.4 Students who passed a level but whose instructors state that it would be good for them to stay in the level (particularly in cases of students who start after Session 1) are still considered in good academic standing. 

  1. Academic Warning

2.1 Students who frequently miss class may be considered to be in questionable academic standing. 

2.2. Students who have been warned for academic dishonesty will have their academic standing in jeopardy and may be placed on academic probation.

2.3 If students’ behavior negatively impacts classroom dynamics, including but not limited to harassment, sexually suggestive behaviors or conversations, repeated inappropriate interruptions, arguments, etc., the instructor will have a private conversation with the student and may issue a written warning

2.4.1 If the behavior continues, the student will be placed on academic probation and/ or may be expelled from the program or institution. 

2.4.2. If the instructor feels it necessary to remove or ban the student from the classroom, they will notify the academic coordinator and write a note on the attendance for that student.

2.4.3 Based on the conversation with the instructor, the academic coordinator will determine if the student needs a more formal warning from the AC or if the student needs to be referred to the center director.

  1. Academic Probation Definitions

3.1 Upon failing two consecutive terms due to failing class grades in any given level, students will be notified via email that they are on academic probation. 

3.2 Students who fail a level due to academic dishonesty may receive a written warning or be placed on academic probation. 

3.3 Students who pass a level twice should not stay back a third time in the level. They must continue to the next level or elect to be on academic probation. 

3.4 Students are considered to be on academic probation from the beginning of the third term in a level.


  1. Academic Probation Consequences

4.1 Academic students on academic probation must have a cumulative 80% attendance in all classes each session. 

4.1.1 Academic students on academic probation must have 80% grades in each class by the end of the term 

4.2 Comprehensive students on academic probation must have a cumulative 75% attendance in all classes each session. 

4.2.1 Comprehensive students on academic probation must have at least 75% in grades in each class by the end of the term. 

4.3 When students on academic probation meet the attendance and grade requirements, they will be taken off academic probation for the following term. 

4.4 When students do not meet the requirements of academic probation, they will be expelled from Internexus/Antares and will not be allowed to enroll the following term.

4.5 Students on academic probation will not be permitted to take vacation. 

4.6 Students on academic probation and their instructors will check in each session with the academic coordinator to help them stay on track to pass the level. 

4.7 Students on academic probation are encouraged to ask their instructors for help.

Safety Procedures for school activities


  1. Travel

1.1 Students may use public or private transportation, or school transportation as provided. The following recommendations apply for travel to and from the activity.

1.2 If a student is using public transportation, they should use all reasonable caution to use legitimate, known forms of public transportation, and maintain situational awareness to avoid being a victim.

1.3 If a student is using private transportation (their own or a classmate) they should ensure safe transit practices, obey traffic laws, and not operate under the influence or while impaired. Students should also avoid driving while distracted by phones, passengers, food, or anything else.

1.4 If students will use school transportation operated by an employee or contractor, they will be asked to sign the liability waiver before being allowed on board.


  1. On site

2.1 While the school always tries to have all activities in a safe location for our students, we recognize that there is always an inherent risk no matter where we are.

2.2 Students should pay attention during the safety briefing from the venue or school staff so that they are aware of any known risks, exit routes, and 

2.3 Students should maintain situational awareness at all times, and should report any suspicious behavior to venue staff or a school staff member.

2.4 No unsafe, unruly, or rude behavior will be tolerated from our students. Any student engaging in this type of behavior will be asked to leave the activity immediately!


  1. Emergencies

3.1 In the event of an emergency, students should quickly and calmly follow the instructions from school or venue staff!

3.2 If possible, all students should stay together with their classmates and school staff.

3.3 In the event of an emergency evacuation, students and staff should try to stay together and move quickly and calmly to the exit, and then to the pre determined gathering point.

3.4 If a gathering point was not determined, then the parking lot (if external to the venue), the nearest crossroads, or the school itself should be the gathering point.

3.5 The faculty or staff member who took roll at the beginning of the activity should be responsible for taking a headcount and making sure all students and staff are accounted for. Students are responsible for communicating if they are not able or willing to make it to the gathering point.

Grade Policy Outline

We believe that all students who make an effort to participate in their education and work hard, should be rewarded for their dedication and be able to finish their program. In order to maintain progression in their program, students should maintain a C average (75%). If students do not maintain 75% percent, they may be placed on academic probation, and need to meet with their academic advisor or academic coordinator regularly.


Grade weights and criteria:


Here are the four categories for grading that we use and a short explanation of each as well as the suggested weights assigned to each. These weights are already in Jupiter and may be used in other LMS as well. At the end of each calendar year, these categories and weights are evaluated by the curriculum committee for accuracy as part of the institutional annual review.


Classwork  25%

Homework  15%

Quizzes/Unit Reviews  30%

Exams  30%


Classwork: This refers to work that is introduced and done in class. Points may be assigned, and may be made up for excused absences, at instructor discretion. Any graded assignments (outside of MEL) should support the stated student learning outcomes of the curriculum.


Homework: Students may be given homework every day. It may be assignments in MEL, or instructor-created. Homework should not be able to pass a failing student. Again, any instructor created homework (outside MEL) should follow the SLOs of the curriculum for that class/program. 


Quizzes/Unit Reviews: These assessments may be assigned after each subject matter or unit is completed. The frequency and points available for these assessments should be coordinated with the Academic Coordinator or department head for the program.


Cumulative Exams:  For the comprehensive IEP, there are three cumulative tests in MyEnglishLab, a midterm (Units 1-5) and second mid-term (Units 6-10) and a final (Units 1-10), which teachers are welcome to and encouraged to use in part. They are free to choose either the second mid-term or the final exam, based on students’ perceived needs. Since students will be finishing Unit 10 around the same time, having three assessments at once is excessive. However, regardless of if the teachers use the pre-made exams, they are instructed to make sure all SLOs are assessed by the end of the term, which will often involve adding supplemental components. They are also free to remove questions that are not tied to SLOs.


All other curriculum should have a standard of at least one midterm to assess the progression of the students, and a final to assess the final competency of the student in the subject matter of the class/program.


Students should have a total of 75% or above in each class in each session/term to pass to the next level, fulfill prerequisite requirements, etc. Students who do not meet this standard should be advised and discussed with the department/program head. If the student is placed on academic probation, they should meet with their academic advisor or with the location or program academic coordinator regularly.

Enrollment Agreement

I certify that the information I supplied on my application form is correct.

I have received and understand all of the program costs and fees for my program of study at Antares.

I agree to pay all courses fees by or on the dues date. I am aware that a late payment fee of $25 per week is due for outstanding payments.

I understand that I will take a placement assessment before or upon arriving at the Antares. I will be placed in the best level of my ability based on that assessment.

I understand that if I come on an I-20, I must attend Antares for at least one TERM. To transfer legally to another school, my grades and attendance have to be the minimum required by the Antares policies. In order to accept a transfer, Antares must receive a Letter of Acceptance and a Transfer Form from the new school filled out, dated, and signed by me (the student).

I understand that it is highly recommended that I have medical insurance during my stay at Antares. I should show proof of insurance or purchase a policy recommended by Antares at the time of registration. If I do not, I am responsible for all medical costs incurred for any reason while in the USA.

Medical Authorization: If you are under 18 your parent or guardian must sign this section.
Medical Leave Request: You must have a note from a medical Doctor explaining the reasons why the student can’t attend classes.
“I authorize qualified medical diagnosis and treatment of injury to the student and authorize the release of medical information for treatment and insurance purposes. I understand that I am responsible for medical expenses outside the limits of any applicable medical insurance and that preexisting health conditions are not covered by health insurance.”

I understand and agree to all provisions as stated herein above.

Program Offerings

✅ Speak English with Confidence

Our number one concern is that you learn to speak English fluently and confidently in all situations.

✅ Experience American Culture

We love our country and the culture here, we want you to experience it and learn from it.

✅ Connect with Your Global Family

We’re all brothers and sisters, and we want to help you feel connected to our global family.

✅ Help Your Community

When you finish studying with us, we hope you’ll return home ready to better help your community.

Start Learning

Change Your Life Today

Whether you dream of global exploration, attending a U.S. university, or excelling in business, our programs are your pathway to success.

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